
Le Grand Méchant Renard Et Autres Contes...

April 23 clock 11:52 AM


Alliance Française
Toronto, ON

plus Radar

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Presented by:

Alliance Française De Toronto

Event Details

Le Grand Méchant Renard et autres contes...

Film de Benjamin Renner et Patrick Imbert. 2017. 1h23

Ceux qui pensent que la campagne est un lieu calme et paisible se trompent, on y trouve des animaux particulièrement agités, un Renard qui se prend pour une Poule, un Lapin qui fait la Cigogne et un Canard qui veut remplacer le Père Noël. Si vous voulez prendre des vacances, passez votre chemin…

The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales...

The countryside isn’t always as calm and peaceful as it’s made out to be, and the animals on this farm are particularly agitated: a fox who mothers a family of chicks, a rabbit who plays the stork, and a duck who wants to be Santa Claus. If you think life in the country is a walk in the park, think again! But underneath the gags (and there are plenty of them), the three stories offer a sensitive and beautiful portrayal of family, and the anxieties of modern life.